Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lonely Fun Projects

I've been working a lot recently, and haven't had much/any time to socialize. No gaming, no going out the bars, movies, walking in the park, nothing. Gugh

I've retreated to the lonely fun of scenario design, and rules hacking. I used design small games, but I don't actually like game design, I am fairly happy with the games that exist. Hacking games though, especially to suit a setting is something I have tremendous fun with.

I've been messing with a Burning Dying Earth Magic document, which is going slowly. Mainly, because there isn't a good online encyclopedia for Dying Earth. So as I discover the rules, I'll make them. Yes, it is a very slow process.

On the flipside, I also want to make a more cohesive (something along the lines with the Burning Harn project) Artesia document too. Luckily, I have all the material (except the 3 or 4 issues of Besieged) in print which includes the very detailed roleplaying game. That is more on the back burner.

Then there is a scenario, which will basically require an afternoon, a pot of coffee, and the gusto to finish it. I'll be posting that shortly too.

Yes, all of these revolve around the Burning Wheel. I find myself coming back to it, it is my favorite game and frankly I want to play it very badly. *sigh*

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